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Morar Lodge

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Morar Lodge lies at the western end of Loch Morar, on the northern shore and within sight of Rhubana Lodge, which lies about 1 km to the south west.

Morar was the birthplace of Eneas Ranald MacDonell (1821 - 1898), who became the last Laird of Morar. Although he was born there, his family did not actually own the estate (another branch of the family had lain claim to it), and it was only when he returned there in 1855 or 1856 that he was able to purchase the estate for himself, and claim the title. Having paid £11,000 for the estate, he later sold sold the sheep grazings closest to Meoble for £10,000. The family spent much of the year living in Edinburgh, where Eneas was an active member of the city's society, but he was not an absentee landlord. In the late 1860s, he had three houses built on the estate, Rhubana Lodge, Cross and Garramor House, to be let as shooting or fishing lodges. He also built Camusdarach Lodge, and moved there after being obliged to sell Morar estate in 1878, after suffering financial embarrassment.

In 1888, ten years after being reduced to 'MacDonell of Camusdarach', Eneas took a leading part in the Loch Morar Rights of Way case. Three MacDonalds, 'Angus the piper, Duncan the fisherman, and Ronald the crofter' (at Bunna-caimbe) opened the locked gate of Rhubana Lodge so as to reclaim the old road to the ford. The three put a boat on the loch and fished, recording their action in a legal document. This was a formal challenge to the rights of the five riparian owners who, for the sake of their fishing, were trying to control the boat journeys of local people in terms of named landing places.

Source: See the link below for the full story of the The Last Laird of Morar.

Although Morar Lodge is referred to as having been used as for training by the Special Operations Executive during World War II, specific details have still to be located.

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Aerial views


⚠ (:gma-point lat=56.9731723 lon=-5.7976912 text='Morar lodge' :) ⚠ (:gma-map zoom=14 view=sat :)

⚠ [[!World War II]] ⚠ [[!Training Area]] ⚠ [[!Building]] ⚠ (:WPCategoriesList:)


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